Configuring Teams Notifications


Configuring the Microsoft Teams channel notifications consist of the following steps:

  • Open Microsoft Teams and create incoming webhooks with Workflows for the teams channel

  • Use that webhook URL while creating a Teams Notification in DefensX

  • Select the event types that you want to be notified

  • Select All Customers or a set of customers related to this notification

Creating a webhook for a channel

Before creating a Team Channel Notification in DefensX, you need a webhook URL of your Teams channel.

Microsoft has deprecated the previous method of creating webhooks, replacing it with a more streamlined approach using webhooks via Workflow.

Here are the basic steps to create a webhook URL for a Teams channel:

  • Open the channel in which you want to add the webhook and select ••• from the upper-right corner.

  • Select Workflows from the dropdown menu.

  • Search for Webhook in "Find workflows" and click on the results named "Post to a channel when a webhook request is received"

  • After waiting a few seconds, click on the Next button to continue.

  • On the next screen, click to Add workflow button.

  • Copy and save the unique webhook URL present on the next screen. The URL maps to the channel and you can use it to send information to Teams.

  • Select Done to complete.

Configuring the Teams Notification

After receiving the Webhook URL, you just need to use that URL while adding Teams notification in DefensX.

Next, you can choose which events you want to be notified of and which customers under your Partner account will be used. If you select the All Customers button, you’ll be notified of all of the current customers and the customers that will be created in the future.



After configuring the Teams notification channel, you can click on the three dots icon under the Actions section of the list of notifications and click on the Send Test Message link. In this way, you can test the Teams integration channel before getting the real events from the system.