DNS & WEB FilteringIn this page
Our solution allows you to apply traditional DNS filtering and layer next-generation web protection within the same deployment. Filtering the Web & DNSThe Internet does not intrinsically provide content blocking. Therefore, much content on the Internet is considered unsuitable for some users, given that much content is suitable for adults only, for example, +18-rated games and movies. Similarly, enterprises may decide to filter the Internet for productivity on company devices or networks, such as limiting social media or gambling. The third primary reason for filtering the Internet is security. There are known malicious websites or content responsible for malware and phishing. Enterprises must block or limit access to these "known bad" destinations. DefensX provides Category based and risk-based policies to filter the Internet. Some examples are as follows: Block access to Adult Content and Gambling.Block access to known phishing websites and known malware distribution sites.Block access to High-Risk websites, restrict access to Medium Risk websites.Uncategorized Web SitesMore than fifty thousand new websites are coming online every day on the Internet. URL categorization and threat intelligence databases can only identify and list risky websites and provide category information only after a period, which might take as long as weeks in some cases. This behavior produces a gray zone for some new websites (approximately >3%). These websites may be good or bad, which is unknown yet. They are uncategorized. DefensX gives the ability to you to apply different policies to uncategorized URLs. Options include Block/Read-Only/Isoolate. |