Configuring ConsentsIn this document
Consents for zero-trustInteracting with the end-users and getting their consent on security decisions has a major role in effectively implementing zero-trust web browsing. DefensX provides an ability to give end-users the right to override some of the security decisions. Consents minimize end-user friction to security policies and reduce the number of tickets opened. It helps to improve a self-enforced cybersecurity posture during the everyday web life of the end-users. Following is an end-user consent for a block page: Once the end-user takes the risk and proceeds with their consent, we will create a related consent log under the Logs→ Consent Logs. Also it is possible to have the visibility per end user from the consent logs. Which is one of the key in-context visibility that you can extract from DefensX. Following are two examples of such reports: and
Consent TypesCredential Exposure Consent When enabled, DefensX users can give consent to allow access to input boxes protected by DefensX Credential Exposure Protection rules. File Download Consent DefensX users can consent to allow file downloads blocked by the policy rules when enabled. File Download Mime and Type Check Consent When enabled, DefensX users can give consent to allow file downloads which is blocked by the mime-type. File Upload Consent When enabled, DefensX users can give consent to allow file uploads which is blocked by the policy rules. File Upload Mime Type Check Consent When enabled, DefensX users can give consent to allow file uploads which is blocked by the mime type. Readonly Consent When enabled, DefensX users can give consent to change the read-only status of a web page. URL Block Consent When enabled, DefensX users can give consent to blocked URLs. Use with caution! AD Blocker Consent When enabled, DefensX users can give consent to disable AD Blocker on some websites. |