Windows deployment via Intune Win32 Application

Win32 App Deployment

Although it is possible to deploy DefensX Agent as a Line-of-Business (LOB) application (see: KB article here), there are some cases that you might not want to mix Win32 App and LOB applications in Intune. There is note regarding this case on the Microsoft knowledge base:

If you mix the installation of Win32 apps and line-of-business apps during Windows Autopilot enrollment, the app installation might fail as they both may attempt to use the Trusted Installer service at the same time which causes a failure due to this conflict.

Required steps for deploying DefensX as a Win32 Intune app:

  • Download the specific .intunewin file from the DefensX Portal

  • Create a new Win32 app in Intune and upload the file

  • Enter the deployment key and detection rules for the new application

  • Attach newly created application to device groups

Adding a new Win32 app

Log in to the Intune Management Portal, go to the AppsWindows menu, and click on the + Add button.

On the App type selection box select Windows app (Win32) under the Other section and click on the Select button.


Upload the .intunewin file to the newly created app

In this step click on the Select app package file link and upload the DefensX Agent .intunewin file (which you can download from the DefensX BackendPolicies page) and click OK button.

Check the App information section

In this step, product name, description and the version information will be automatically populated. You just need to enter Secure Industries into the Publisher field and click to Next button:


Check the Program section

In this step, you need to copy the Deployment Key from the DefensX Portal and append it to the Install command in the form of KEY=<copied-deployment-key> format and click to Next button:


Check the Requirements section

In this step, you can select the Operating system architecture as 64-bit, Minimum operating system as Windows 10 1607 and click to Next button.

Check the Detection rules section

In this step, please make the following selections:

Key Value

Rules format

Select Manually configure detection rules then click to + Add button

Rule type


Key path


Value name

Leave it empty

Detection method

Key exists

Next, click the OK button and skip the sections for Dependencies and Supersedence, as they are not required in this configuration.


Attach newly created application to some device groups

In this step, you can attach some groups (or the virtual group of All devices to install all the devices) to the application as Required.

It is also possible to create multiple DefensX Win32 applications using different KEY parameters and attach them to different user groups in this stage.

Once everything is selected click the Next button and finalize the application creation process.

See also: