Remote Browser Isolation
The most secure solution to stop web threats is to put an air gap between the computer and the web browser. This model uses a web browser on the cloud to visit the web pages and streams back the video of the session to the end user’s web browser.
No authority controls the Internet by its nature. That’s why end-users can quickly end up with malicious websites that are not yet known or categorized as risky.
To eliminate the unknown risk attached to web browsing, remote browser isolation is a safe option to let end users still browse the web and stay secure instead of over-blocking end-users and creating unnecessary tickets and workload for the MSP teams.
A typical web page may contain thousands of lines of code a human can not understand. Any malicious code in the web page can be instrumental for a bad actor to start a social engineering attack or deploy malware.
To overcome this problem, we provide integrated remote browser isolation in our solution. We redirect the web page to the closest cloud web browser, which will isolate any risk from the end user’s device and keep it in the cloud.
DefensX web player shows the web page’s content in a video format, and end-users can remotely control the browser. With remote browser isolation protection enabled, only ten lines of DefensX web browser player code is downloaded and executed. Once the end-user closes their browser tab, we will fire the related cloud browser and its resources, including the operating system. In 95% of the cases, end-users will not understand the difference with native browsing.