VPN and DefensX
VPN’s or split VPN solutions create a point to network or network to network access for your end-points. This approach creates conflict with agents (roaming clients) which in most of the cases binds to all network adapters and changes DNS settings on the computer to
(localhost) or similar loopback address. Thats why DNS layer filters with roaming clients won’t work with most of the VPN clients.
Another problem with the DNS agents and VPN solutions is most of the VPN solutions blocks all other DNS requests going out from the network interfaces other than the VPN itself. Even more, according the VPN profile configuration some of them only allow DNS requests to the servers which are provided by the VPN solution and blocks DNS requests going to other DNS servers completely.
Unlike other DNS based solutions in the market, DefensX Operating System Agent doesn’t have any conflicts with the VPN solutions. We have our unique approach to solve the problems with the VPNs at the kernel level.
DefensX agent includes our own kernel driver (which is signed by the Microsoft) and has the capability of processing DNS request at the kernel level. Driver automatically loaded by our agent and it enforces DefensX DNS policies in system wide. It doesn’t change your DNS settings, you can verify it with the utilities like nslookup
or ipconfig
in the command line.