Windows deployment via Intune LOB Application

Creating Intune Profile for msi

DefensX Agent installer is a regular MSI package that you can deploy through Intune and can be customized by environment variables like deployment key or some additional settings.

Required steps for deploying DefensX via Intune:

  • Add a new Line-of-business app

  • Upload the MSI file to the newly created app

  • Put environment variables to be used on installation

  • Attach newly created application to some device groups

Adding a new Line-of-business app

Login to Intune Management Portal go to AppsWindows menu and click on the + Add button.

On the App type selection box select Line-of-business app under the Other section and click on the Select button.


Upload the MSI file to the newly created app

In this step click on the Select app package file link and upload the DefensX Agent Installer msi file (which you can download from the backend under the Policies&Groups page or and click OK button.


Put environment variables to be used on installation

In this step, enter the following items;

Key Value


DefensX Agent


DefensX Agent


Secure Industries

Ignore app version

Yes (it is required for the applications which have their update mechanism)

Command-line arguments

Copy your deployment variables in VAR=VALUE format. At least variable KEY must be provided which is your deployment key and can be copied from the Policies&Groups page on the DefensX Backend.

You should double-check the Ignore app version setting and make sure that it is selected as Yes. If it is not, upon a newer DefensX Agent release, Intune will try to reinstall the older version which will create a conflict. It is a general rule to select this option as Yes for Windows apps with self-updating installers (such as Google Chrome).

Attach newly created application to some device groups

In this step, you can attach some groups (or the virtual group of All devices to install it all the devices) to the application as Required.

It is also possible to create multiple DefensX Line-of-business applications using different KEY parameters and attach them to different user groups in this stage.

Once everything is selected click the Next button and finalize the application creation process.

After your devices start to run the Intune sync process, DefensX Agent will be installed and started to run on behalf of logged-in AzureAD users.

See also: