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Deployment via Jamf Pro
If you’re managing Mac computers using Jamf Pro, deploying DefensX can be completed in 6 steps.
Step 1: Download the required files
Login to the DefensX Backend and navigate to Policies → Policy Groups page. Click on the RMM icon of the specific Deployment. In this dialog, you need to download the following items:
DefensX mobileconfigs for Jamf Pro
DefensX Agent [required]
Google Chrome [suggested]
Microsoft Edge [suggested]
Firefox [suggested]
DefensX-CA Certificate
Installer Script
Uninstaller Script
Step 2: Create the Installer Script
Log in to your Jamf Pro MDM instance.
Navigate to Settings and search for "script", then click the Scripts button.
Click the + New button on the top-right
Name the script as "DefensX Agent Installer" on the General tab
Navigate to Script tab.
Open the previously downloaded DefensX Installer script in a text editor and copy&paste its content here
Click the Save button.
Step 3: Create the Uninstaller Script
Follow the same treads as Step 2 to create an uninstaller script if needed.
On the General tab, write "DefensX Agent Uninstaller" as the Display Name.
Open the previously downloaded DefensX Uninstaller script in a text editor and copy&paste its content here
Step 4: Create DefensX Configuration Profile
In this step, we’ll set up a new configuration profile containing essential settings for the Agent, browser profiles, and the CA certificate.
Navigate to the Computers → Configuration Profiles page and click on the + New button.
In the General tab, name the profile as "DefensX Configuration Profile"
Choose Computer Level in the Level setting.
Click on the Application & Custom Settings menu and then click the Upload link
Click Add and proceed with the following steps for Agent configuration:
Enter com.defensx.agent in the Preference Domain
Click on the Upload button and select the previously downloaded DefensX Agent mobileconfig file
Repeat the process for configuring Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox:
For Google Chrome: Enter in the Preference Domain and upload the DefensX Chrome mobileconfig file.
For Microsoft Edge: Enter in the Preference Domain and upload the DefensX Edge mobileconfig file.
For Firefox: Enter org.mozilla.firefox in the Preference Domain and upload the DefensX Firefox mobileconfig file.
Now we need to add DefensX-CA certificate to the configuration profile:
Click on the Certificate in the left menu
Click the Configure button
Enter DefensXCA as the Certificate Name
Select Upload in the Select Certificate Option
Click on the Upload Certificate button and upload the previously downloaded DefensX-CA.cer file
Choose the Allow all apps access option
Define the scope of the configuration:
Click on the Scope tab
Select the computers where you want to install DefensX and apply this configuration profile
Finally, click the Save button at the bottom-right to complete the configuration profile.
Step 5: Create a Policy to Attach the Installer Script
This is the final step of the configuration. We need to create a Jamf policy to attach the DefensX Installer script, which was created in Step 2 to install the agent on specific computers.
Navigate to Computers → Policies menu click on the + New button at the top-right to create a new policy
In the General tab, enter "DefensX Install Policy" as the Display Name
Select the trigger point for this policy. You can choose from options such as Startup, Enrollment Complete, Recurring Check-in, or any other trigger point based on your requirements.
Click on the Scripts tab on the left
Click to Configure button
Click the Add button for the DefensX Installer Script created in Step 2
Now, we need to assign a scope to the policy:
Click on the Scope tab
Select the computers where you want to install DefensX
Finally, click the Save button.
Based on your Jamf Pro configuration, the DefensX Agent will be installed in approximately 15 minutes (default Recurring Check-in interval in Jamf).